Frequently Asked Questions

What is Indyreads™?

indyreads™ is a local eContent management platform which can host ePUB, PDF, MP3 & MP4 files, apply DRM and circulate digital titles to NSW public library registered card holders. 


The indyreads™ platform is the culmination of a successful pilot project which explored how public libraries could best deliver local digital content to their communities.  The indyreads platform will provide the technical infrastructure and legal framework to allow public libraries to operate as aggregators of locally important content, helping to assist libraries to build digital collections which reflect the diversity and vibrancy of their local communities.



Digitised books, manuscripts, ephemera, oral histories, music and video content from the participating public libraries local studies collections can also be uploaded onto the platform to enhance community access to important cultural resources.



indyreads™ will contain an opening collection of statewide licensed eBook titles sourced from Australian independent publishers, a selection of titles in languages other than English as well as international content including reference, modern literary, classic fiction and non-fiction titles.  The aim is to continually develop and grow the statewide collection.



All NSW public libraries will receive a copy of the NSW Public Library Agreement for the Purchasing of Electronic Content to facilitate the direct acquisition of content from community authors, historians and local publishers.


How can I find out if ADSL is available in my area?

To check your site’s ADSL availability, click on the link (Telstra ADSL qualifier) then enter your details to see if you have access to ADSL: TIP: It’s always a good idea to enter in a fax number instead of a telephone number as it tends to improve the accuracy of the Telstra qualifier


What speed should I expect on my new ADSL2 connection?
ADSL2 is the next generation of ADSL broadband. Speeds can range from 10Mbps to 20Mbps but will vary due to a number of factors including distance from the local exchange, quality of the customer’s copper line and equipment.
What authentication methods for accessing eResources are available?
The majority of eResource products use your institution’s IP address for internal authentication. Remote access is generally enabled using the registered patron ID or Barcode. Several eBook vendors prefer referring URL or EZPROXY for remote access.
How does a NSW public library register for indyreads™?

An indyreads™ agreement and a request for SIP2 server details was forwarded to all NSW public library managers  in December 2018.  Once receives a signed copy of the agreement and SIP2 server details the indyreads™ platform will be configured for access by the library's registered card members. 


To obtain a copy of the agreement please contact


Are there any costs for participation (now and in the future)?

The indyreads™ platform is available to NSW public libraries at no cost.  This provides NSW public library registered card members with access to the statewide licensed consortia collection.  Public libraries can also upload digitised local studies content (manuscripts, oral histories and transcripts, eBooks and ephemera) at no cost.  Community licensed digitised content (eBooks) can also be uploaded free of charge.  


The indyreads™ platform contains an opt-in Odilo Marketplace from which libraries can select content exclusively for use by their members (this is called a segmented collection).  Any content purchased by a library from the Odilo Marketplace would be debited to the service along with the associated DRM fees.  There is no requirement for a library to purchase any content from the Odilo Marketplace.  To find out further information about the Odilo Marketplace please contact





Can the State Library eResources be accessed in a Public Library?

State Library purchased eResources are for individual use by registered members of the State Library.    Once registered, members can access the SLNSW eResources remotely anywhere using their membership card number.

State Library eResources cannot be used by public library staff for business purposes. 

What do I do if my council/library IP address changes?
As internal authentication is based upon your library service’s IP address range, any change to your IP address range will disable automatic authentication unless you notify the vendor prior to the change. For Consortia opt-in databases, please refer to the eResources product page for vendor contact details.
What is the invoicing cycle for Consortia opt-in databases? Consortia opt-in offers are aligned to the financial year (July – June) in accordance with the local Government budget cycle. Each year the Consortia offers are renegotiated in March and announced in April with new subscriptions commencing in July. In circumstances whereby a library is interested in subscribing to a product after July the vendor will apply a pro-rata subscription which will align the subscription to the subscription cycle.
How does a library patron access and borrow an indyreads™ eBook or Audio title?

After a public library signs and returns the indyreads™ agreement along with the SIP2 server details for their library management system, patron authentication for their members will be configured.  The library will receive the indyreads™ URL, logo and platform description which is to be placed on the appropriate section of the library website.

The library member has three options to search and download indyreads™ titles.  They can go directly to the indyreads™ browser portal, or access the indyreads™ catalogue via the Android or IOS APPS.

Please refer to the Odilo support material imports the indyreads™ MARC records into their catalogue

Library patrons can also access titles via the library catalogue, whereby they will be redirected to the indyreads portal to borrow a desired title.  In order to do so, the library must import the indyreads™ MARC records into their catalogue.



How do you evaluate what databases should be included in those provided by
The content of databases is evaluated using selection criteria established by the Content Working Group. This group consists of representatives from small, medium and large metropolitan and country public libraries, the State Library and and the group meets several times each year. In consultation with the Content Working Group, selects databases for trial and before setting up a trial, gauges interest from public library network. If there is sufficient interest from public libraries a trial is hosted on the website. The trial will generally run for 30 days and members of the Content Working Group and the public library network are invited to assess the product and complete the online evaluation form. Assuming that the evaluations are positive and the vendor agrees to the key requirements for participation in the Consortia Opt-in Scheme; the product is offered to the public library network as a Consortia Opt-in Offer.
Can a 'temporary online registered member’ access indyreads™?

No, a person who has joined a library via an online membership form and has not had their address verified is not permitted to access the indyreads™ platform™. 

How do I obtain eResource usage statistics for the State-wide licensed databases?

To obtain usage statistics for the EBSCO state-wide licensed databases please refer to the technical support section

Does indyreads™ support Android and IOS devices?

Yes, there will be a dedicated indyreads™ APP for Android and IOS devices available in the Apple Marketplace and Google PLAY stores. Please refer to training material.

Does provide free access to Web security email and filtering services?
Yes. Each year purchases a number of MessageLabs email and web filtering licences from for use by connectivity clients. If spare licences for email and/or web filtering are available, can allocate these spare licences to your organisation. Contact for your request.
Will there be training for public library staff? will provide user guides, manuals and webinar training to public library staff throughout the statewide rollout. Training sessions will also be hosted at the State Library and onsite training will be available upon request. Details will be forwarded via the Library Managers LISTSERV.

Can indyreads™ be deeply integrated into our library management system via an API?

Yes, indyreads™ can be deeply integrated into the Aurora AIT and SIRSI Dynix library management system via RESTful API.  Once configured this allows a library patron to search, discover and download indyreads™ titles from within the library online catalogue. 

If you use Aurora AIT or SIRSI Dynix and would like to configure deep integration with indyreads™ please contact

Libero aims to have deep Web Services RESTFul API integration with indyreads completed by the second half of 2020.

CIVICA/Spydus will only commence work on deep Web Services RESTFul API integration with indyreads upon receiving  individual requests from their NSW public library clients.

SOLUS aims to integrate indyreads into their library App by the last quarter of 2020


How did this access come about?

Remote access to the State Library’s eResources has been available for all NSW residents for many years.  The current process requires NSW residents to register with the State Library and receive a State Library membership card.

The new access solution enables NSW residents who are members of their local library to use their public library membership to apply for State Library membership if:

•     The local library opts in and provides its barcode range to the State Library

•     The card holder registers with the State Library

Once registered as members of the State Library, clients can use their local library card for immediate 24/7 access to their local library’s and the State Library’s eResources and without having to be issued with a State Library membership card.  

State Library eResources are complementary to those licensed by public library services and are provided under licence conditions to registered members of the State Library.

Use must be for private research and study purposes only.  Use is to be by the registered individual only – access is not transferable to other parties.  

How do participating public libraries notify the State Library of changes to membership card (barcode) sequences?

If new membership number sequences need to be added and/or deleted, the public library needs to complete the online Public Library Barcode Change Request form located on the website

How do public libraries market the State Library’s eResources and membership to clients?

At least one pull-up banner has been sent to each participating library service to display in your library to promote this initiative.   The banners can be rotated between the main and branch libraries until November 2015, after which time they may be disposed.   Participating public libraries have also received a number of promotional jpeg images and accompanying text which can be uploaded onto your Council/Library website.

Public Libraries should continue to market their existing eResources as per their normal practice.

Please note that specific State Library of NSW eResource titles should not be listed, nor promoted, on a council/library website unless the library has their own subscription to the title.

Eresources available through the State Library of NSW can be accessed in the library or remotely by anyone who is a registered SLNSW member.


Public libraries can link to the landing page for the eresources site on the SLNSW website:

How long will public library clients of participating Councils be able to register as a member of the State Library to access the State Library’s eResources using their public library membership?

Indefinitely, as long as public library clients maintain a current active membership with their local public library

What is the indyreads™ statewide licensed collection development policy and how does it complement our existing eBook collection?

The indyreads™ platform will contain an opening collection of approximately 9000 statewide licensed eBook and eAudio titles sourced from Australian independent publishers, a selection of titles in languages other than English as well as international content including, small press and indie genre fiction, reference, modern literary, classic fiction and non-fiction titles.  A curated collection of the best examples of domestic and international self-published content will also be available.


The aim of the statewide collection is to provide a broad range of titles beyond the bestsellers which typically form the core of public library digital collections.   Content from Australian publishers which are not readily available through traditional library distribution channels will also be prioritised. 


What do I need to do if the Internet is not working?
If your ADSL service has gone down, we recommend that you reboot your ADSL modem and firewall and wait 10 minutes. If the service has not returned, you should log a call with Hitech Support on (02) 8883 4355.
I would like to develop policies to guide the usage of the internet by the public.


The Library Council of NSW has endorsed Internet Policy Guidelines for NSW public libraries. The Guidelines are available on the State Library of New South Wales website.

The Guidelines have been developed to assist NSW public libraries develop up to date policies for internet usage by the public.
Please contact your Public Library Services Consultant for information and assistance with policy development if required.
How can a library make suggestions for purchase for the statewide licensed collection?

A suggestion for purchase for an individual title or a collection of works from a publisher can be made via the patron account, 'suggestion for purchase' section or by contacting directly (contact us form). 


The key requirements are that the work(s) is by an Australian author or Australian publisher.  The emphasis is on titles published by independent Australian publishers.  Please forward the suggestion to via the contact us form.  


Can we upload digitised or digital local studies content and if so what type of content?

In phase two of the indyreads™ rollout scheduled for mid-2019 interested NSW public libraries will be permitted to upload digitised or digital local studies content onto the indyreads™ platform.  The types of material which will be permissible include manuscripts, ephemera, oral histories and transcripts and history books. 


The platform is not designed to host images and as such no image collections are to be uploaded. 





How can I keep up with eResources developments?

Libraries interested in keeping up with eResource developments are advised to subscribe to the NSW Public Library Database Contacts LISTSERV.  

We also recommend that you subscribe to the Twitter feed and Blog.


How can we upload content sourced from our local authors, historians and publisher?

The State Library of NSW has created a bespoke agreement to facilitate the licensing of content by NSW public libraries from local authors, historians and publishers.  Phase 3 of the indyreads™ rollout scheduled for the second half of 2019 will provide the NSW public library network with the necessary resources and training to license and upload community content.

Are there any libraries already using the Wireless Management System and if so, can you please send me a few names so that we can contact them to find out how this is working out for them? can provide you with some reference sites, however, we will need to give them a courtesy call prior to providing you with their details.
Can my library buy content from the indyreads™ marketplace exclusively for our members?

The indyreads™ platform has an opt-in Odilo Marketplace which contains over one million titles.  Public libraries can select content exclusively for use by their members from the Marketplace (segmented collection).  Any content purchased by a library from the Marketplace would be debited to the service along with the associated DRM fees.  If you are interested in having a marketplace account set up for your service please contact

My Council hasn’t signed the agreement to participate in providing public library client access to the State Library’s eResources. Are we still able to participate in this initiative?

Yes you can opt-in to participate in this initiative at any time, however, the State Library needs an agreement signed by your Council’s General Manager before we can activate your access.  Please contact for a copy of the letter/agreement and return signed agreements to

A promotional pull-up banner and jpeg image with accompanying text which can be uploaded onto your Council/Library website will be sent to your Library Manager.    

What type of formats can be hosted on the indyreads™ platform?

The following formats can be hosted on indyreads™: EPUB, PDF, MP3 & MP4.

Are the Consortia Opt-in Offers available to library services in other sectors (TAFE, Academic, Schools, etc)?
No. The Consortia Opt-in Offers are only available to NSW public libraries.
How does the wireless Internet access for libraries work? I assume people have to tune in and log on with a user ID and a password.
Basically, we set up a Wireless Access Point (small wireless radio device) in the vicinity of where the public users will be able to sit at a desk with their laptops. This Wireless Access Point is connected back into the Sonicwall firewall. The wireless access point then allows public users to connect to your existing internet service.
Can clients reserve books in indyreads™?

Yes, a registered library card holder can reserve a title which is out on loan.  To do so a client must be logged into the indyreads™ platform.  There are no limits on the number of reservations a user can place. Please refer to the user guides.

Will online training courses be developed by in the near future?
Yes. is in the process of developing online training courses in addition to the face-to-face state-wide database training. This material will be available on the web site later on in the year.
What is the default loan period and the total number of items a user can borrow?

The item loan period is 21 days.  Items can be renewed if there are no reservations. Items can also be returned early via the App.  The maximum number of items per borrower card is 20. 

Will additional copies of a book be added if there are a lot of reserves on it?

Yes, once a title has five holds a new copy will be purchased. 

Can do we import the MARC records from indyreads™ into our catalogue?

Yes, please refer to technical support.

Can our library obtain usage statistics?

Basic statistics (loan, download, borrower and title) can be obtained by the designated administrator at each library.  Instructions will be available in the indyreads™ technical support section of the website.

Where is regional state-wide database training held?
For the last 3 years, has been conducting state-wide database training at five regional locations: Port Macquarie, Singleton, Lismore, Dubbo and Wagga Wagga. These locations have facilities which cater to our needs for fast reliable internet access and training facilities.
How do you set up remote access to the state-wide databases?
Remote access to the EBSCO state-wide databases is via your library patron barcode range. If this information is not registered in the EBSCO database, then your patrons will not be able to access these resources remotely. Call to set up this access.
How do I report an Internet service fault?
The Support Program provides phone and remote support to assist you with issues related to your connectivity services. On Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm you should report all internet related problems to the Hitech Support Help Desk on (02) 8883 4355. Hitech will manage your call by liaising directly with you and your ISP to rectify your problem. If you wish to escalate any problems, please contact on 1800 679 638. Outside of these hours, internet related problems should be reported directly to your ISP’s Network Operations Centre (NOC).
What support will the State Library provide?

The State Library of NSW will provide staff training on the indyreads™ platform and APPS as well as a collection of user guides and technical manuals.  The State Library will also provide ‘Secondary Support’ to NSW public libraries in the circumstance whereby the library cannot resolve an issue using the supplied user guides and technical manuals.

Will I need special equipment to take advantage of the new speed?
New and existing sites will be provided with ADSL2 compatible modems/routers and SonicWall firewalls to take advantage of the higher speed.
I can’t seem to access the state-wide databases?
The state-wide databases use IP authentication as a means of controlling access. Many organisations upgrade their Internet services regularly, so your new IP address has probably not been registered with the state-wide database vendors. You will need to contact to update your IP address.
How do I subscribe to a Consortia Opt-in Offer eResource?
Simply contact the sales representative listed on the product page and indicate that you would like to take advantage of the Consortia Opt-in Offer for the desired product. The pricing is listed on the eResourses product page and is accessible to registered NSW public library staff.
What is the difference between Primary Support & Secondary Support?

Primary Support is provided by the public library service to library patrons to assist with questions relating to the use of the indyreads™ platform and Android and IOS indyreads™ APP. This includes questions relating to; search, discovery, loans, return and general APP navigation.

Secondary Support is provided by the State Library of NSW to public libraries to assist in the resolution of user questions which are not covered in the support material and technical issues with the indyreads™ platform and Android and IOS APPS.

Can I trial the products before I buy?
The majority of vendors provide free product trials. Product trials for discovery tools, catalogue enhancements and some eBook platforms are not possible due to substantial set-up and configuration requirements. In such circumstances can provide contact details for existing clients to facilitate an assessment of the product.
What do I do if staff and clients can no longer access a State-wide licensed database?
Please refer to troubleshooting common problems [internal link]. If you require further assistance please contact Ross Balharrie 9273 1498
If we cannot resolve a technical issue after referring to the indyreads™ support page what should we do?

Contact the staff via the Contact Us Form, selecting indyreads™ as the topic.

What training is planned for the next 12 months?
Training courses on some of the state-wide databases are developed annually and delivered by at the State Library and at regional locations for metropolitan and country public library staff. To find out about scheduled training, check out our Events and Calendar pages.
I am interested in upgrading my Internet service. Can help me?

Yes. can provide you with pricing for a wide range of subsidised Internet services through our partner ISP’s (AAPT and Optus). As all site requirements are unique, prices are on application so please contact for an obligation free quote.

How will the State Library select the libraries to be involved in the initial set up of indyreads™? Can I put my library forward?

For the initial set-up will work with a handful of libraries which use a cross section of library management systems.  If you are interested in participating in the first batch of libraries to be set-up for indyreads™ please contact The library service must agree to allocate sufficient staff resources for the set-up, testing and rollout of the platform within an agreed timeframe.  

If I am not selected in the initial group when will my library get access to indyreads?

The aim is to have all NSW public libraries set-up to utilise the indyreads™ platform by March 2019.  

What happens if public library clients experience issues when registering with the State Library?

If the client isn’t a member of their local library and therefore does not have a membership card/number, they will be prompted to contact their local library.

If the client is a registered member of their local public library and their membership number won’t let them register with the State Library or access the eResources, they will be prompted to contact their local library.   Public library staff can then contact the team to discuss and resolve any issues. 

What is the difference between the State-wide licensed databases and the State Library of New South Wales eResource collections?

The State-wide licensed databases can be utilised by NSW public library staff for reference service purposes and by their respective library members within the library or from home.  These resources are for individual use and are not to be used as an institutional resource by third parties. 


The licence agreement for the State Library of New South Wales eResources enables remote access by registered users of the State Library of New South Wales, 24/7, at their usual computers in their homes,  public libraries etc. The resources have not been licensed for use by NSW public library staff in providing services to their clients. To do so would be a breach of the terms and conditions of the license agreements. Please refer to the State Library of NSW Access Conditions for eResources for further information. 

How do I determine the total number of Journal, eBooks and video titles available in the suite of statewide licensed databases?

The current suite of statewide licensed databases are supplied by EBSCO.  Due to the complex nature of content licensing the total number of titles will fluctuate as new titles are added and old titles are deleted &/or journal title subscriptions cease.  As such it is difficult to provide a definitive annual list of titles by format.

If you are interested in knowing the current number of titles across each format for a particular statewide licensed database we suggest that you refer to the latest content list spreadsheets available on the product home pages listed below.  The content lists are typically available in an Excel spreadsheet and the data can be filtered by format, subject and date.

Academic Search Premier

Australian New Zealand Points of View Reference Center

Australian New Zealand Reference Center

Consumer Health Complete

Literary Reference Centre Plus

MasterFile Complete

Novelist Plus  (this resource primarily contains HTML text)

Science Reference Center

Where can I find a list of State Library databases?

To find an up to date list of State Library subscriptions:

1.    Go to the eResources web page on the State Library website (URL)

2.    Select the browse database option and then click on browse

3.    Filter by access type (In the Library or anywhere with a Library card)  and subject (select the ALL box)

From year to year the list of eResource titles may vary in accordance to the State Library of NSW collection development policies and funding considerations.

Will statistics be available to public libraries on the use of the State Library eResources by public library members under this scheme?

No.   The State Library is investigating the provision of public library member registration statistics and will advise public libraries when/if this will be available. Statistics on use of SLNSW eResources by members cannot be separated on a client basis. 

What are the obligations for participating libraries

The Council agrees to:

  • Provide the SLNSW with the SIP2 server intake parameters as specified in the form forwarded to library managers and provide a patron account for testing purposes.

  • Cooperate with the SLNSW and the technology vendor Odilo to configure authentication between the LMS and Odilo TK platform.

  • Designate an appropriate staff member as the main point of contact for the indyreads™ project to assist with set-up and ongoing project related communication pertaining to marketing, training and technical support.

  • Promote and publicise the indyreads™ eBook collection to library clients using marketing materials developed by the SLNSW.

  • Create appropriate catalogue records for local studies digitised content and community acquired titles licensed by the library and imported onto the indyreads™ platform 

  • To import catalogue records for the statewide consortia collection from the indyreads™ administration portal into your LMS catalogue.

  • To perform primary support for authorized readers (card holders) using the indyreads platform. The SLNSW and Odilo will provide secondary support by e-mail, chat, video conferencing and phone, including documentation and training.

  • Comply with the terms and conditions for the acquisition and use of digital content as outlined in the NSW Public Library Agreement for the Purchasing of Electronic Content and associated guidelines to be forwarded to the NSW public library network.

  • Ensure that any content uploaded onto the platform adheres to the libraries collection development policy and agree to remove content if directed by the SLNSW.  

  • Adhere to the guidelines provided by the SLNSW for the selection and importing of digitised local studies content onto the indyreads™ platform. 

  • Assure that access to digital rights managed content is restricted registered readers (card holders) of the library as authenticated by the library’s automated management system.

  • Respond appropriately to any misuse by a reader (card holder) your service’s public library clients.